
eBGP triggered blackhole for customers

Very many large scale transit providers, if not most of them support eBGP remote triggered blackhole via separate multihop eBGP session. I suspect this is, because they've used for very long time single shared route-map for transit customers, and it is not immediately obvious how you can support blackholing without customer specific route-map. Requiring customer specific route-map would probably be less than minor change in their provisioning systems. However, it is perfectly doable and same idea works just the same in JunOS and IOS, here is pseudoIOShy example how to do it:

router bgp N neighbor eBGP peer-group neighbor eBGP route-map eBGP-IN in neihgbor eBGP disable-connected-check neighbor CUSTIP peer-group eBGP neighbor CUSTIP prefix-list C-CUSTID-IN in ! route-map eBGP-IN permit 100 match community BLACKHOLE set ip next-hop BLACKHOLE set community BLACKHOLE additive route-map eBGP-IN permit 200 match ip address prefix-list eBGP-TRANSIT-FULL set community full-transit additive route-map eBGP-IN permit 300 match ip address prefix-list eBGP-TRANSIT-PARTIAL set comunity partial-transit additive route-map eBGP-IN permit 400 set ip address prefix-list eBGP-PUNCHOLE set community no-export additive ! ip prefix-list C-CUSTID-IN permit le 32 ip prefix-list C-CUSTID-IN permit le 32 ip prefix-list eBGP-TRANSIT-FULL permit ip prefix-list eBGP-PUNCHOLE permit

When you provision new customer, you simply add prefix to one customer specific prefix-list and another shared prefix-list. Shared prefix-list is there just to verify that we are getting correct mask, not more specific. Same route-map allows you to support multiple types of transit agreements and you can even use same route-map for customers using your PA addresses. When you add new BGP feature for customers, you update single route-map and all customers and all products benefit from it.

Egress route-map is less interesting, as it is simple, contains no features typically. You most likely have two types of egress route-map, one that matches global table route community and leaks them to customer and another which sends just candidate route. Or if you are doing it wrong, you're sending actual default route, this is wrong, and should never be done, but warrants its own post. If you'd want to have single egress route-map also, you could make one egress route-map which sends all global table routes and for candidate only customers, you'd add egress prefix-list which stops all prefixes, but single candidate route, you originate in few crucial core locations.

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